方位词的介词 [in/on/to] the north


north, south, east, west统称compass point。 of sth 方位词后可以加of sth。当没有of sth时,罗盘方位的原点是隐含的,要读者自行推断。 Houses are less expensive ?? the north than ?? the south […]

词语辨析n. fire; v. light, burn


fire [U] 火焰 in fire gold is purified in fire. (引申义)An impassioned sermon about how citizens had to fight the devil every minute of their lives to keep […]



越早的知识越容易错。 发音 w、z 我们以为w念作达不溜,其实是double u。找一本你喜欢的字典(我喜欢用《高阶牛津英汉双解词典》),查一下w的音标,看看是不是/ˈdʌbljuː/,正是double /ˈdʌbl/ 加上 u /juː/。很高兴获得了一个新的知识——但这就是全部了吗? 我们重新给 […]

Notes on Using SeaweedFS


You should download the large_disk version. Run ./weed version, if you see “Seaweed 8000GB”, then you are using the large disk version. If […]

Interesting Linux tools


zsh plugins sudo Press ESC twice (you can change the shortcut) to add prefix sudo. You still need to press enter to execute the command. I coincidentl […]