Allow missing files in GNU make with SECONDARY
2024年8月5日Assume the following is the dependnecy graph to make our final product F4. F1 -> F2 -> F3 -> F4 If F1 and F2 are missing or deleted, can we make F4 fr […]
Assume the following is the dependnecy graph to make our final product F4. F1 -> F2 -> F3 -> F4 If F1 and F2 are missing or deleted, can we make F4 fr […]
我已经曾学过Adobe Premiere,但是没有剪很多影片。在那时候,一般我会需要10倍于影片时间的时间来剪片。比如,影片是30分钟,我剪辑要花300分钟。 Adobe Premiere剪片有什么问题? Adobe Premiere是收费软件,软件又很笨重。 Adobe Premiere不容易学习 […]
A video file ususally not only contains a video stream but also an audio stream. We use a stream specifier to select a stream from an input file. Stre […]
微信 微信是中国人必不可少的手机软件。重装手机时微信首当其冲。 趁还处于登录状态,备份聊天记录。 回忆密码,退出微信账号,测试密码是否正确。 更新微信版本。测试在最新版(或将要安装的版本)中能否登录。 微信聊天记录很难采取3-2-1备份原则。第一,微信备份要求电脑与手机处于同一wifi,这不符合“异 […]
与《我用的Chrome扩展程序大公开(2020年推荐)》基本相同。 已不推荐“Vimium C – 全键盘操作浏览器”,改为原始版Vimum。因为“Vimium C的作者特别爱国。 已不推荐Tampermonkey,改为violentmonkey。因为Tampermonkey is closed s […]
In a shell, if I type a-command-to-run, how does Linux find this program? Exit code Z Shell has an option print_exit_value. If you set it, Z Shell wil […]
從經濟角度講,假設我足夠有錢,我每次買兩袋米,一袋倒河裡,另一袋自己吃。這樣超市庫存減少,會造成價格上漲。逐漸會令農民的食物售價增加,導致農民變富。 與此同時,其他職業的人的消費能力下降,如採礦工人,他們買不起漲價了的米,他們的工資也沒漲。 所以,在我玩弄食物、浪費食物的時候氣急敗壞的人,他們一定不 […]
Enable edit Right to Arm. Set Armed Forces of Constitution to Professional Soldiers. Set work mode of Weapons Factory to Supply Military. Set work mod […]
The Fibonacci numbers, commonly denoted F(n) form a sequence, called the Fibonacci sequence, such that each number is the sum of the two preceding one […]
Tropicans Tropicans (citizen in tropico) don’t have to walk along roads. They walk in the wilderness. In extreme circumstances, tropicans can sw […]