名言分析To affect the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts
2022年6月26日PEU 92 to do不定式可以做补语。 My ambition was to retire at thirty. 该句式可以用preparatory it,即 It was my ambition to retire at thirty. 该句式类似于 To be or not to be, t […]
PEU 92 to do不定式可以做补语。 My ambition was to retire at thirty. 该句式可以用preparatory it,即 It was my ambition to retire at thirty. 该句式类似于 To be or not to be, t […]
north, south, east, west统称compass point。 of sth 方位词后可以加of sth。当没有of sth时,罗盘方位的原点是隐含的,要读者自行推断。 Houses are less expensive ?? the north than ?? the south […]
fire [U] 火焰 in fire gold is purified in fire. (引申义)An impassioned sermon about how citizens had to fight the devil every minute of their lives to keep […]
File log is visible when you invoke file search (ctrl-f for me), then choose Panel: File log. For me, the log records operations as old as one year ag […]
Status in essence is a label, yet they are implemented slightly different. https://resource.dopus.com/t/multiple-labels/26899/4 Status can stack easil […]
越早的知识越容易错。 发音 w、z 我们以为w念作达不溜,其实是double u。[1]找一本你喜欢的字典(我喜欢用《高阶牛津英汉双解词典》),查一下w的音标,看看是不是/ˈdʌbljuː/,正是double /ˈdʌbl/ 加上 u /juː/。很高兴获得了一个新的知识——但这就是全部了吗? 我们 […]
Patriot Act cited, as a US citizen I ought to guard the national security of the United States. I ought to write more for American, though they admit […]
You should download the large_disk version. Run ./weed version, if you see “Seaweed 8000GB”, then you are using the large disk version. If […]
zsh plugins sudo Press ESC twice (you can change the shortcut) to add prefix sudo. You still need to press enter to execute the command. I coincidentl […]
Based on custom logic In /etc/pam.d/sshd, add session required pam_exec.so stdout /mylogic /mylogic will be executed with environment variable $PAM_US […]