大数取模 modulo arithmetic






Modulo Arithmetic

In Euclidean division defined on integers Z, we write a=bq+r where q is quotient, r is remainder, b0, 0r|b|.

If we only concern the remainder r, there are two forms of modulo operations we can use, the congruent modulo and the binary modulo. The congruent modulo form ar(modb) reads “a and r are equivalent under modulo b”. The binary modulo form amodb=r reads “the remainder of a divided by b is r”. Remember a and b can be negative.

Distributive laws

  • (x + y) mod m = [(x mod m) + (y mod m)] mod m
  • xy mod m = [(x mod m)(y mod m)] mod m

We can derive new properties from the distributive law of mutiplication.


Similarly, we have bemodm=(bmodm)emodm.

First use the distributive law of addition.


Then we just zero in on 23500mod(109+7).

Modular Exponentiation

Modular exponentiation is the form bemodm where m>0. 23500mod(109+7) fits this form.

109+7 has 10 digits in base 10, and we also know in computer science, int32 has 10 digits in base 10.

Let’s start trying 232 which equals 4294967296. 231=2147483648, still overshoot. 230=1073741824, it fits nicely with 109+7. 23500mod(109+7)=230×116+20mod(109+7)


Next, factorize 73741817. 73741817116=101116×491116×1487116. We need to find an exponentiation that is slightly greater than 109+7.


1015=10510100501>1000000007 and 1015mod1000000007=510100431.

Similarly, 9log10491=3.34=4. Hence, 4914=118370771>1000000007, and 4914mod1000000007=120048155.

9log101487=2.84=3. Hence, 14873=3288008303>1000000007, and 14873mod1000000007=288008282.

To save space, use m to present 109+7.


We may fastforward 223328069×220mod(109+7) and get 451640512. Then factorize 510100431, 120048155, and 288008282.

  • 510100431=3*617*275581
  • 120048155=5*23*1043897
  • 288008282=2*144004141

Round 2

p23, 9log103=18.86=19. Hence, 319mod1000000007=162261460.

p23, 9log10617=3.22=4. Hence, 6174mod1000000007=924113713.

p23, 9log10275581=1.65=2. Hence, 2755812mod1000000007=944887036.

p29, 9log105=12.88=13. Hence, 513mod1000000007=220703118.

p29, 9log1023=6.61=7. Hence, 237mod1000000007=404825426.

p29, 9log101043897=1.49=2. Hence, 10438972mod1000000007=720938986.

p38, 9log102=29.89=30. Hence, 230mod1000000007=73741817.

p38, 9log10144004141=1.10=2. Hence, 1440041412mod1000000007=479987537.


Round 3

  • 162261460=22×5×251×32323
  • 924113713=4127*223919
  • 944887036=22×236221759
  • 220703118=2*3*36783853
  • 404825426=2*97*1409*1481
  • 720938986=2*360469493
  • 73741817=101*491*1487
  • 479987537=17*131*215531
  • 451640512=26×23×306821

Reorganize the expression


Up to now, we have to use a computer. See Code for 大数取模 modulo arithmetic.