Tropico 6細節



Easy Normal Hard
Foreign Aid Plenty Fair None
Caribbean Happiness Weak Average Strong
Political Forgiving Fair Aggressive
Opposition Friendly Reluctant Strong
Pirate Cabin Boy Skipper Captain Blackbeard
Superpower action Trigger How to prevent
Foreign aid negative treasury and Foreign Aid is enabled.
Foreign force attack When Political is Aggressive, the relation is below 40.
When Political is Fair, the relation is below 30.
When Political is Forgiving, the relation is below 20.
sabotage the superpower
Foreign force attack The relation is low, and you sign a new trade route
Game over invasion Ally with a superpower

When Foreign force attack is happening, you can enter the next era.

Under Hard difficulty, you should prioritize allying because other superpowers are more likely to attack you.

Check the Economy tab of the almanac before constructing new buildings. If the net income (earning minus expenses) is less than your new building, try to build it later.

Special Actions

Kill Bribe
Rival Do not increase your approval. New rival will be generated.[1] Increase his happiness. Do not affect your approval.
Faction leader Increase approval of his faction.
Criminal Each month he deposits 100 Swiss dollars until he leaves the role.[2]



Unlike earlier versions of Tropico, demolishing in Tropico 6 does not teleport resources. Demolishing a building demolishes all resources in it.


Upkeep is $30 per month.

In the modern era, build an embassy when the superpower requests. If a superpower has a high relation with you but did not request an embassy, you build an offshore office to take advantage of the high relation.

Offshore offices are similar to embassies in that once you invited a superpower, you stay with it. Kicking off a company and inviting another is poisoned chalice because you lose 20 relation for both superpowers.


Stealing landmarks of past eras does not change rating of the superpowers.


  1. . can you kill an opponent in elections? If yes, how to do it?. . 2023-02-01 [2024-06-22].
  2. . Review: TROPICO 6. . [2024-06-24].