维多利亚2 upper house for reforms


Upper House里面只有意识形态,没有政党。Upper house和ruling party没有直接关系。

Citizenship Policy

Citizenship Policy of the ruling party affects which pops can vote for upperhouse.

一般来说,Full citizenship有最多的极端意识形态(reactionary, communists, anarcho liberal),limited citizenship少一点,residency最少。因为在殖民地的那些人属于minor culture,militancy较高。我们可以如图用控制台命令举行upperhouse election来测试。

按照national focus顺序,clergyman -> bureaucrat -> clerks -> colony bureaucrat。当你处理到colony bureaucrat之前,用limited citizenship就足够。

Reactionary Conservative Socialist Communist Liberal Anarcho Liberal
Full citizenship 17.6 29.3 27.0 3.3 19.3 3.4
Limited citizenship 17.1 29.8 27.6 3.0 19.5 3.1
Residency 16.4 30.3 28.3 2.4 20.1 2.5

但是Residency policy一般属于reactionary party,reactionary ideology令人民倾向于reactionary,又不利于改革。

所以如果你的upper house support是49点几,还差一点点就可以改革了,不如在12月把ruling party改成支持Residency的那个。reactionary ideology还是会影响一年,但至少你通过了改革。

用执政党的citizenship政策加快assimilation,这个策略不一定会成功。首先,assimilation很慢。第二,assimilation需要严格的条件,其中之一是当地有primary culture or accepted culture。事实上,如果鼠标放到pop界面的nationality上,如果只是显示No current assimilation而没有factor breakdown,就说明根本不会发生assimilation。即使显示breakdown,如果该地区是某个国家的core,该国家的primary culture won’t be assimilated.

Upper House Composition

未西化国家,or Upper House Composition of your government form (situation) is Appointed Only, then your upper house members are from your upper statum, ie. aristocrats and capitalists. Vote Franchise determines the weighted size of each pop. In case of No Voting, the size of each eligible pop is considered as 1 (or 1000 in the game code).

我用修改存档的方式,把卢森堡的两个aristocrat pop修改成了不同的意识形态分布,如图。Population界面显示的Ideology分布是按pop size * 1来计算的,所以reactionary占很大比例。但是如果(用console commands)举行upper house election,reactionary只占37.4%。因为此时卢森堡的Vote Franchise is No Voting,所以17500人的POP和250人的POP,都是视为1000人来投票。所以,reactionary的得票比例是 (63.48 + 11.48)/2=37.48。

Victoria 2经常有rounding errors,是因为它内部经常把小数保存为15-bit fixed point number。

:Population界面显示的Ideology分布不一定与upper house election结果相同

Upper House Support

Upper house组成后,每天会evaluate国家当前的militancy and consciousness,决定是否支持reform。如图,通过控制台命令,我把卢森堡的militancy升高,发现upper house突然支持reform了。但是如果不pass reform,我再用一个事件调低militancy,upper house隔天就不支持reform了,如图。注意游戏引擎计算有延迟,可能要隔一天才会刷新。


Passing Reforms

当upper house支持reform,你就可以pass a reform。After passing a reform,upper house composition会变化。具体规律不清楚,但几乎总是会增加conservative的比例[1],而且跟conservative是不是ruling party无关,跟conservative是不是最大党无关(Haiti)。尽管upper house composition变化了,背后的选民的意识形态是不变的。如果再用一次upperhouse控制台命令,upper house composition会恢复到原来的状态。

那为什么不能连续pass reform?首先,每次pass reform后,都有一年的时间不能继续pass。具体表现在savegame里的last_reform字段。其次,passing social or political reform后都会减少大概35%的militancy。[2]

Political and Social Reforms

Liberal总是支持political reforms,但是根据militancy支持social Reforms。例如militancy=3,则30%的liberal members in upper house支持social Reforms。以卢森堡为例,在只有liberal, conservative, reactionary三种意识形态的情况下,militancy等于4就可以pass political reform,militancy等于7才可以pass social reform。所以国家基本都是先pass political reform。

Speeding up Political Reforms

假设一开始Upper House Composition is Appointed Only,如何加速political reforms?图是1865年中国的upper house。如果要加速political reform,你要增加liberal percentage;如果你要加速social reform,要增加socialist percentage。无论怎样,你都消灭anarcho liberal。


In Calcutta, South Bengal, many upper house members believe in anarcho liberal. 为什么?图显示他们有1%的几率变成anarcho liberal。如果militacy小于6,则几率大大降低,而现在aristocrats in Calcutta has militancy of 9.71. 所以就说得通了,他们的militancy太高,所以支持anarcho liberal,所以政府就不能执行政治改革。

:aristocrats in Calcutta have a chance of 1% to be anarcho liberal

How to reduce their militancy? 在前一个界面(图),我们发现high militancy的原因是everyday-needs not fulfilled,还有conservative is too low locally. 在upper house的当地代表,只有11.3%信仰conservative,所以militancy -0.0113。

:aristocrats in Calcutta have a chance of 1% to be anarcho liberal

Militancy of aristocrats can’t go beyond 6. To do that, the tax of upper stratum should be as low as possible so that they can fulfill their needs. 第二,要提升或控制conservative的比例,因为它们有压低militancy的功能。

aristocrats对各种意识形态倾向的计算方式,参见Victoria 2\poptypes\aristocrats.txt的ideologies section。如果我们只想防止Anarcho Liberal和Ractionary,最好满足Militancy below 6和Consciousness above 6这两个条件。但要注意,consciousness会提高pop needs。[3][4]

How to Choose a Reform?

当我们有条件进行political reform时,采用哪项reform最好呢?图中,中国有机会采用一项reform。中国的政府类型是Absolute Monarchy,upper house由aristocrats决定。我们需要防止upper house members变成Anarcho Liberal和Ractionary,所以需要降低militancy of aristocrats。图显示中国有不少aristocrats的militancy已经到了10,超过6,已经被不好的意识形态迷惑了。Hence we have to solve their Dominant Issue, that is Landed Voting (22.3%). 图是添加landed voting country situation之后的第二天,发现militancy直接下降了。For example the pop of min in Tainan, its militancy reduced from 10 to 8.24.

但是Dominant Issues的饼图还是显示Landed Voting占21.3%。这是游戏机制,Landed Voting的比例会在一个月内慢慢降到0。

:Some aristocrats in China have militancy of 10 with dominant issue Landed Voting
:After adding Landed Voting, militancy of pops instantly reduced

如果你的政体是absolute monarchy,选择the only landed vote franchise会触发event 60060让你变成Prussian Constitutionalism。


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  1. GrinningSatyr. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE. . 2023-01-23 [2023-07-16]. “with every reform you pass, some of the socialist/liberal caucus of the upper house switches to conservative”
  2. Antigone Merlin. How To Raise & Lower Consciousness in Victoria 2. . [2023-07-13].
  3. Apart_Ad4726. Two aristocrats, one can fulfil needs, the other can't. . 2023-07-14 [2023-07-15].
  4. . Population. Vic2 Wiki. [2023-07-15].