2021年12月26日Analysis of “For Your Consideration” in “Intimate Relationships” by Rowland Miller
Chris and Kelsey had to participate in research studies if they wanted to pass the Introductory Psychology course they were taking together, so they signed up for a study of “Relationship Processes.” They had been dating for 2 months, and the study was seeking “premarital romantic couples,” and they liked the fact that they would be paid $5 if they both participated. So, they attended a session with a dozen other couples in which they were separated and seated on opposite sides of a large room. They read and signed a permission form that noted they could quit anytime they wanted and then started to work on a long questionnaire.
Some of the questions were provocative. They were asked how many different people they had had sex with in the last year and how many people they wanted to have sex with in the next 5 years. Then, they were asked to answer the same questions again, this time as they believed the other would. Chris had never pondered such questions before, and he realized, once he thought about it, that he actually knew very little about Kelsey’s sexual history and future intentions. That night, he was a little anxious, wondering and worrying about Kelsey’s answers to those questions.
Having read this chapter, do you think this research procedure was ethical? Why?
Pass心理学导论就要参加一个research study。学生应该是可以从众多research studies选一个,而主人公选择了Relationship Processes。该活动一开始就付了参与者5元,并且说明参与者可以随时退出。
问题的提出:Relationship Processes的研究问题可能来自研究者的个人经验、社会问题、或先前的研究。
参与者的选取:Relationship Processes的参与者采用的是方便取样,因为(一部分)参与者来自心理学导论的学生。研究人员不太可能根据心理学导论学生去“配平”其他参与者,以达到所有代表性。
Relationship Processes要求参与者在两个时间点各回答一套问卷,某些问题在两套问卷中都出现了。
Relationship Processes可能研究相关性。在同一次同一套问卷中,一个问题代表X,另一个问题代表Y,研究者可以发现X与Y的变化关系。但若没有其他信息,我们不知道X引起Y,Y引起X,还是有第三个变量同时影响X和Y。
Relationship Processes采用了发展性研究设计。应用到主人公身上的是纵向设计。但不排除研究人员同时采用了横断设计和回溯设计。纵向设计面临参与者流失的问题。所以Relationship Processes的5元奖金可能要完整参与研究后再发放给参与者会好一点。
数据的性质:Relationship Processes要求参与者自我报告。
Relationship Processes不使用观察法、生理测量、档案材料。
人际关系研究经常会涉及一些私密信息,这是研究所必要的。Relationship Processes符合道德规范。但要注意,参与的男女朋友的数据具有相互联系。